All the #StayHome Freebies!

A Millennial’s Diary
3 min readApr 13, 2020

Sharing all the #StayHome Personal development courses and entertainment so you can enjoy staying home.

With lockdown looking like it’s not going to end anytime soon, I thought I would create a blog post that shares all the free courses and entertainment you can use to while away this extra time.

All the #StayHome Freebies! — Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

As you will have seen many companies have been offering free courses and trials of their products to help occupy people’s time and pivot their business to adapt to a much higher demand for virtual connectivity or offer up solutions to people’s boredom.

Do remember though that you don’t always have to ‘fill’ your time with activities instead recognise this pandemic may be the world’s way of telling us to re-evaluate our priorities. That in fact health is wealth and we ought to spend more time with our thoughts and those we live with!

As I find more content, I will continue to update this blog post.

For other, fun, relaxing, productive and strange things Millennials are doing to stay sane during the #COVID19 outbreak, you can check out the blog I wrote below.



A Millennial’s Diary

Blog covering all things personal development and careers from a 20-something millennial working in Fintech